The More things Change

The More they stay the same

Kent Langley
2 min readJul 18, 2021

This charming bit of propaganda crossed my Twitter feed today. It’s a cartoon from 121 years ago; 5 human generations prior to today.

Credit goes to this guy on Twitter.

Further, I recently learned that in the year 1909, Charles Péguy, a French

Charles Péguy via Wikipedia

poet, opined that “the world had changed less since the time of Jesus Christ (1,909 years prior at that time) than in the last 30 years.

Charles was feeling the pressure of technological-driven change in the world. This sentiment is repeated over and over now in our technical age.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Now, depending on where you live, there are aspects of that drawing, the wires, that are quite true. That is pretty much exactly what utility poles look like in many places around the world!

I guess we'll see if the rest is yet to come. Go check on your horses and make sure they are OKAY!

