Distributed Autonomous Organizations, A Primer

Kent Langley
2 min readJul 19, 2021
Tim Mossholder via Unsplash

If not stymied by existing stakeholders, the study and evolution of an organization to a DAO is a natural progression. Becoming a DAO can even be an alternative to going public or getting rolled up by a private equity firm.

This is a summary of a full post that was published to ExO Insight on 8 July 2021. To read the full post please visit the link below.

A new form of organization is joining the time-test ranks of organizational types that the world has seen. This one is called a Distributed Autonomous Organization ("DAO").

A DAO is effectively a modern form of a cooperative that includes the use of a form of digital currency called a utility token. That token represents some underlying utility within a network of members.

Cooperatives have existed for hundreds if not thousands of years. But, they have now been fully digitized as Platform Cooperatives, a term popularized by Trebor Scholz and Nathan Schneider. Their books, “Ours to Hack and Own,” and “Everything for Everyone,” respectively address the subject.

These are challenging and fascinating times and it is especially in times like we see right now, economically speaking, that such organizational systems have a good chance to take hold.

Read the full article for more detail!

